George Washington Burnes & Sarah Walker Burnes Portraits

Okay, I can't bottle my excitement any longer. Portraits DO exist, and my 6 year search is over. Presenting... George Washington BURNES, & Sarah Walker BURNES my Great, Great, Great Grandparents. 13 children, married 55 years, Christian, 700 acre farm, Hope Indiana, Norristown Cemetery. A HUGE Thank you for this photo goes to Gary Ziegler, my 4th cousin from Indiana!  It's so great to finally see their faces 6 years after I first discovered them. Thanks to facebook and the internet, my distant cousins are finding each other and communicating. GENEALOGY IS TRULY AMAZING!!!

There's finally a face to his name, George Washington Burnes my GGG-Grandfather

"Connect The Dots" -Sarah


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